November 18, 2010

{Zoe Zulauf} Senior Pictures Bend, Oregon

We had taken a break from posting portrait work but we received an overwhelming response telling us “No! We want to see portraits!”  So, we caved.

What can I say about Zoe, other than she freakin’ rocks!  Poor girl has a torn PCL, on crutches, in a dress and it’s 45 degrees out and did we hear one little peep of complaint, NOPE!  She had a spectacular smile and brought to the table ideas to include ‘something rustic.’  We’ve been wanting to do a full ’round-about-art’ series and so I thought, “Hey Zoe, are you shy?”  She said no, so we kicked off the series and brought her to the Butler Market roundabout right before rush hour.  Later, she got a text from a friend saying hi and she saw us having fun with the giant iron horse.  Nice 🙂

Thanks Zoe for being such a sport, you make our job seem easy.  Here’s some of our favs from the session – ENJOY!

B + W

PS: Lots more where this came from!

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 1

Simply Mar-va-lous…

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 2

Um yeah, eyes are un-retouched because they were so freakin’ brilliant 🙂

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 3

Playing with a fall-colored-vine wall downtown.  Zoe’s getting close to the leaves – one with nature kinda thing.

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 3

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 5

I love that horse!  Especially now that we’ve stopped and taken a real look.

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 7

Something about this one and can’t put my finger on it…

The brilliance of FALL.

Zoe Senior Pictures Bend Oregon 7



You are a gifted photographer.
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of a girl who is lovely: from within and without.
You have captured her perfectly…

Great pictures!

Holy crap, look at those blue eyes. She’s gorgeous…and so are these pictures! I particularly love the 2nd one and the one with the wagon wheel. The lighting is great on that one. Congrats Zoe, these looks fab!

These are some gorgeous pictures! The one you can’t put your finger on looks shy, alluring, questioning…many thoughts and feelings all wrapped up in one classic photo. I think this is another one to enter into a competition because it says so much and Zoe is gorgeous. Love, Mom